Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why is my Facebook app so slow? | Bullet Point Branding

Why is my Facebook app so slow?
Mobile FB App | Bpb

Why is my Facebook app so slow?

Could Mobile Facebook App Jeopardize the Whole Company?

Everyone loves Facebook I get it (okay maybe I shouldn't say everyone but at least 800+ million of us do anyway). What I don't get is this, in a web 2.0 age of lightning fast service and devices how come it still takes forever to open, load and then update my profile or news feed on the official Facebook Mobile App for my iPhone (Shout Out)?

Do you think that a user should have to remove all the other applications running or delete and reinstall the app just to shave off a few seconds of the eternity it takes to be ready for use? I wonder how many status updates out there sound like this: "Well I had something cool to share but I forgot what it was now." How much information have we lost due to this slowness disease?

Consumers may or may not leave the social network giant all together because the app runs slow but is it not worth it for Facebook to at least make sure they stay atop the food chain with amazing products that run like a well oiled machine?

I'm not being overly dramatic and saying I am never using Facebook again but I would love to be able to open the app and have it run with in a second or two just like all my others. Should I give them some slack because the network is so big that it might take a extra time to open due to all the members, or does that have nothing to do with it?

I would love to hear from others who have my concerns please let me know!

Bryan Fulton is the Founder and CEO of Bullet Point Branding a company designed to deliver creative content and social media strategy to small businesses that do not have the time or manpower to effectively connect to their clients and customers through Social Media in house. Bullet Point Branding concentrates on giving your company an authentic social media presence and creating engagement throughout your niche!

To see what Bullet Point Branding can do for your business email them at:


Monday, March 12, 2012

Infographics Drive Engagement! | Bullet Point Branding

Infographics Drive Engagement! | Bullet Point Branding
Infographics Drive Engagement!

Infographics Drive Engagement!

I have seen the future of consumable information and believe me it is bright! Literally it's bright boldly colored charts of easy to read data about any given subject.

Infographics make retaining information easier, they can be basic or graphically designed. Anyway you put it INFOGRAPHICS make it more fun to learn. They are making a huge impact on social media by way of digestible statistics. People can easily visualize a snapshot of information and if it's creative it will get shared faster than a boring medium.

Articles can tend to be a little on the wordy side. The worlds attention is getting smaller all the time due to the newest productivity tools available (thanks GOOGLE). INFOGRAPHICS hit on multiple levels because you can assess what the key bullet points are for a quick read and then go back and dive further into some of the more descriptive info lurking inside.

Bottom line is they are a welcome addition to how we learn something and I think they are destine to make a huge impact on how we develop, communicate and present.

Take a look at some awesome examples that just barely scratch the surface!

Author: Bryan Fulton is the Founder and CEO of Bullet Point Branding a company designed to deliver creative content and social media strategy to small businesses that do not have the time or manpower to effectively connect to their clients and customers through Social Media in house. 

Bullet Point Branding concentrates on giving your company an authentic social media presence and creating engagement throughout your niche! 

To see what Bullet Point Branding can do for your business visit / email them at: |


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unsubscribe From My Newsletter and Unfollow My Tweets, Please! | Bullet Point Branding

Unsubscribe From My Newsletter | Bullet Point Branding
Unsubscribe From My Newsletter!

Unsubscribe from me Please!

I know it might sound crazy but I want people to unsubscribe from any and all posts, newsletters, email blasts and social media sites I create.

Don't get me wrong I want my community to be involved in what I have to say but I do not want people to sign up for something the are not going to be an active member of.

A lot of potential customers or clients maybe even peers are signing up for lists if they liked one particular post but then they just lurk in the background and don't contribute. They don't really want to be a part of something bigger.

I want involvement. I want discussion.

I have been guilty of list subscribing and not contributing as well, but now I have been purging my lists, twitter followers and actual people in my life (surprisingly, that one is a little easier then the others) that don't have value and don't contribute to a better community.

I have also made goals of being more active in blogs, Facebook, Twitter, & other social media sites, as well as in my profession life. And I think the keys to being successful and achieving these goals lies in the shedding of excess and getting back to the basics.

Stop stretching yourself so thin and trying to be everything to everyone, and start becoming passionate about something and contribute creatively and frequently!

Author: Bryan Fulton is the Founder and CEO of Bullet Point Branding a company designed to deliver creative content and social media strategy to small businesses that do not have the time or manpower to effectively connect to their clients and customers through Social Media in house. 

Bullet Point Branding concentrates on giving your company an authentic social media presence and creating engagement throughout your niche! 

To see what Bullet Point Branding can do for your business visit / email them at: |


Friday, March 9, 2012

To Post Attended or UnAttended? That is the question. | Bullet Point Branding

To Post Attended or UnAttended? | Bullet Point Branding
To Post Attended or UnAttended?

Should You Post UnAttended?

How do you measure your ROI (Return On Investment) in social media? Is it the number of followers you have on Twitter? Is it the number of Facebook friends that like your page because you ask them too?

Social Media is changing the way that everyone does business that's nothing new but what does it really mean to someone when you connect with them on a site? It means they value what you have to offer, they value your brand, and they value your opinion. So many companies are doing too little or too much when it comes to a Social Media presence and it is quite frankly getting lost in the masses.

If I blast an UnAttended tweet or post to all my followers and friends about my latest product or service and then do not have someone to reply and field any questions customers may have, what is the point of engagement at all? Or if I only post one day a week because that's all the time I have to do it am I really using Social Media as a marketing tool? Are my customers really getting my message?

The truth is being present and being authentic are two of the most powerful tools in any company or brand's Social Media arsenal. Having a voice to discuss and engage you target audience and community makes people feel special, (especially if you are a huge company or a popular brand) it gives them a connection with you on a more intimate level which allows your sales funnel to function better because they feel they are getting tremendous value! Everyone knows someone that is on cloud nine because a big brand or celebrity has retweeted or replyed to them, that is awesome word of mouth marketing working for you.

So use Social Media to connect make it social and keep it simple. Be present and available to discuss your value immediately and reap the rewards for a long time to come.

Bryan Fulton is the Founder and CEO of  Bullet Point Branding  email them at: