Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unsubscribe From My Newsletter and Unfollow My Tweets, Please! | Bullet Point Branding

Unsubscribe From My Newsletter | Bullet Point Branding
Unsubscribe From My Newsletter!

Unsubscribe from me Please!

I know it might sound crazy but I want people to unsubscribe from any and all posts, newsletters, email blasts and social media sites I create.

Don't get me wrong I want my community to be involved in what I have to say but I do not want people to sign up for something the are not going to be an active member of.

A lot of potential customers or clients maybe even peers are signing up for lists if they liked one particular post but then they just lurk in the background and don't contribute. They don't really want to be a part of something bigger.

I want involvement. I want discussion.

I have been guilty of list subscribing and not contributing as well, but now I have been purging my lists, twitter followers and actual people in my life (surprisingly, that one is a little easier then the others) that don't have value and don't contribute to a better community.

I have also made goals of being more active in blogs, Facebook, Twitter, & other social media sites, as well as in my profession life. And I think the keys to being successful and achieving these goals lies in the shedding of excess and getting back to the basics.

Stop stretching yourself so thin and trying to be everything to everyone, and start becoming passionate about something and contribute creatively and frequently!

Author: Bryan Fulton is the Founder and CEO of Bullet Point Branding a company designed to deliver creative content and social media strategy to small businesses that do not have the time or manpower to effectively connect to their clients and customers through Social Media in house. 

Bullet Point Branding concentrates on giving your company an authentic social media presence and creating engagement throughout your niche! 

To see what Bullet Point Branding can do for your business visit / email them at: |


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